Purchase $Bird Tokens on Uniswap

Uniswap is a decentralized exchange protocol built on the Ethereum Blockchain network. Now, let’s go further to learn how to buy $BIRD on Uniswap decentralized exchange.

Click HERE to watch a video tutorial on how to buy $BIRD on Uniswap.

Whenever purchasing ERC-20 tokens on Uniswap, make sure you have ETH tokens in your wallet. You'll need ETH to pay the gas fees associated with your token swap.

Note that swapping ETH for $BIRD means buying $BIRD with ETH and vice versa

How to Swap $Bird on Uniswap

STEP 1: Go to the Uniswap interface. Always check the URL. Phishing attempts are increasingly common.

STEP 2: Click on connect to a wallet

Select the wallet you’re connecting to, such as the Trust Wallet or Metamask.

NEVER provide your seed phrase on a site unless you know why you're being asked for it. It's typically only needed to restore access to a wallet when access has been lost.

STEP 3: Within the “From” section, select the token you’d like to exchange from.

STEP 4: Within the “TO” section, select the token you’d like to exchange to.

If it's your first time swapping BIRD, it's best to use the token contract address: 0x70401dFD142A16dC7031c56E862Fc88Cb9537Ce0.

This ensures you don't accidentally fall victim to a scam by purchasing a copy-cat token.

STEP 5: Enter the amount you want to trade and set your slippage tolerance. Here are additional steps for setting slippage:

i. Click on the gear/setting icon on the upper-right hand (if you’re on desktop) or lower left-hand corner (if you’re on mobile) of the Uniswap page to access the transaction settings.

ii. Select one of the pre-defined slippage values by clicking.

iii: Or, you can manually enter the desired slippage value.

To avoid your trade being front-run by bots, set a low slippage amount.

STEP 6: Click the Confirm swap”

STEP 7: Preview the transaction, click on Network fee edit” and select the network fee you’re willing to pay click on “Save”.

STEP 8: Click the “Confirm” button.

STEP 9: Wait for the transaction to be confirmed on the Ethereum blockchain, you can either click on the “Close” button or “view on Etherscan”.

Once the transaction is confirmed, the $BIRD token will be sent directly to your wallet.

Last updated